Monday, March 21, 2016

Get em' choppin'

Now I know most mom's have experienced little eyes watching them as they chop fruits and veggies. They love to watch and want to help every chance they get. However if your child is young the thought of them holding a knife is terrifying. We want them to enjoy cooking but keep them as safe as possible.

Thankfully we live in a world full of wonderful inventions for all things. The kitchen is no exception. If you want to involve your children in the chopping process, I would suggest investing in a food prep set like this one from Avon.

Food prep set like this can safely be used by kids(under supervision of course) to create salsa recipes, fruit salad, and much, much more. The prep container catches all juices eliminating most messes. This particular set comes with safety handles for the graters and mandolin. That way we can protect those tiny fingers from the blades at all times. 

So get to chopping with your little ones. They will love being able to be a bigger help in the kitchen!

Also if you are interested in this particular prep set, you can order online at

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